Partnership Packages

Club na nÓg (age 5-10)
Club na nOg – €5,000
Sponsorship of all of our Club na nÓg teams and activities which is open to all

Underage (age 12-18)
Underage – €5,000
Sponsorship of all of our underage teams and activities featuring boys aged 11 to 18 years old.

Healthy Club
Healthy Club – €5,000
Sponsorship of our hugely popular Healthy Club initiative which provides all of our members with the opportunity improve their overall health
and wellbeing

Facilities – €5,000
Sponsorship of the clubs 2 playing pitches as well as our state of the art 4G,

Games Promotion Officer
CPO – €5,000
Sponsorship of our ‘Games Promotion Officer’ who provides an invaluable coaching and educations in all primary schools in the parish
Supporter Package