Parents Roles
Your Role After The Game
The development of our young players is very important to our club.
Children participate in Gaelic games for a number of reasons; to have fun, to play with friends, parental encouragement, etc.
Blarney GAA Club facilitates this in a number of ways:
- Focus on FUN, not winning
- Provide a safe, structured and relaxed environment
- Provide skilled coaches
- Always encourage
- Be positive
- Try your best attitude
Do you know lack of fun, lack of perceived competence and an over-emphasis on competitive outcomes (which usually come from adults) are major reasons for dropout.
What can you do?

Be an Expert Parent
after the match
What not to say:
- Did you win?
You played rubbish
- Why did you do that?
- You are so talented
- False praise
- You were much better then X
- It doesn’t matter
What to say:
Did you have fun?
How did you play?
What did you learn?
What would you do differently next time?
- Did you try your hardest?
I’m proud of you
I love you